January 26th, 2025

This is my first ever journal post! There's been a few things that have been new with me, and I'll try to talk about as many as them as I can in this brief entry.

For starters, school starts tomorrow! It will be my final semester of studying computer science. It's been a rough few years - I've had many ups and downs throughout my time at school, and there have been hundreds of times where I've wanted to just give up and quit, but in a few months, it'll all be over. I'm not the biggest fan of my major, truthfully, but I'm not the biggest fan of school in general, so I'm glad it'll all be over soon.

I've also interviewed for a job recently! I won't disclose the company, but it's a decent sized company located on the opposite side of the country from where I live. I'd have to upturn my entire life and move across the country, but I'm hoping I'll get the job anyways. The idea of moving out is both completely terrifying and extremely exciting to me. Even though it's a software engineering job, and I'm ambivalent about my major, the potential pay and my potential move is enough to keep me motivated to do my best to get the job.

On the projects front, I've been working on "chain game" - basically someone started an RPGMaker project, and it's my job to continue the project as best as I can, without being able to communicate with anyone who came before or after me. I've been struggling, truthfully, because my ADHD is kicking my ass despite the fact that I have some exciting ideas, but I'm determind to put in a good effort anyways. In terms of writing, I'm still procrastinating my various fanfics, but I wrote a poem earlier today, and I'm determined to practice my poetry some more - as well as maybe starting to read more poetry, so I gain an understanding of what I like and dislike in a poem.

On a more personal note - I recently learned that my aunt is transgender! This is huge news, because it means that I have another relative who is trans and understands what it's like to be trans. I'm hoping that we can talk soon about our experiences & grow closer to each other, because having that type of support would be super meaningful to me.

I think that's enough updates for this entry! I'll keep posting regular journal entries, because I want to keep my Neocities up-to-date. Thanks for reading!

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